Canyons in Turkey
Turkey's best canyons and regions;
Below is a list of Turkey's most famous canyons. The most famous canyons in Turkey;
- Koprulu Canyon- Antalya
- Sehriban Canyon- Kastamonu
- Kapıkaya Canyon- Adana
- Kirpe Canyon- Duzce
- Yazılı Canyon- Isparta
- Horma Canyon- Kastamonu
- Ulubey Canyon- Usak
- Shahin Deresi Canyon- Balıkesir
- Karanlık Kanyon- Erzincan
- Kapuz Canyon- Mugla
- İncesu Canyon- Corum
- Goynuk Canyon- Antalya
- Catak Canyon- Kastamonu
- İncegiz Canyon- Denizli
- Goksu Canyon- Mersin
- Lamaz Canyon- Mersin
- Guver Canyon Antalya
- Cehennem deresi Kanyonu- Artvin
- Saklı Kent Kanyonu- Mugla
- Valla Kanyon- Kastamonu
- Karacehennem Bogazı Kanyonu- Kastamonu
All you really need to go Canyoning is a spectacular canyon or gorge hike. You often cross steep-sided, dramatic and beautifully flowing rivers. There are many places around the world, but destinations with both warm and sunny climates have become indispensable in the canyon to maintain the temperature of the water while enjoying it. In places like Turkey and Slovenia, the Mediterranean sun makes a difference to all the flowing water. No matter how cold the water is, when the climatic conditions are suitable, the enjoyment of the canyoning tour becomes even more beautiful.